Breaking Records - Diary of a Quilt #5

And we are ready to quilt! I pieced a backing using scraps of left over colourful centres to form a joining strip between two grey fabrics from my stash – both from the Zen Chic range designed by Brigitte Heitland for Moda Fabrics and I think it looks pretty darn good.

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Then I modified an orphan block from the front – a pale yellow, which just didn’t work with the other stronger colours – to make a label. Here the pale colour works a treat.


And then I pinned together my quilt sandwich. My least favourite job in the quilting process (does anyone enjoy this part?) I managed to do it during my weekly Zoom Sewing Meeting, so I was distracted and it didn’t seem so much of a chore. Result! Despite my advancing years, my preferred quilt basting method is still to tape the batting to the floor, layer up the wadding and the top and pin. I just find this works best for me……My knees are finding this less and less funny, though and at some point I’m just going to have to scope out another method.


But this time I went ahead and pinned, regardless and I even got to use my lovely, fine, curved brass quilting pins. Brass can tarnish, so when used on lighter coloured fabrics it can leave a tiny dark mark (No! Not that kind, Harry Potter fans!) but on the grey and black here, they work perfectly.

And now……it’s quiltingtime!!!!